If you like to spend your free time solving crosswords, you might find Boatload of Crosswords really interesting. This application contains a huge number of crosswords. Developers affirm that their product includes nearly 100000 crossword puzzles.
The program has a range of really great features. For example, you can print out any crossword if you don’t want to solve it on the screen of your monitor. For starting a new crossword you can open a random one or select it by a puzzle number. The program contains three types of crosswords depending on their size: small (13/13), medium (15/15) and large (19/19). Each solving session can be saved and opened again.
Boatload of Crosswords is shareware. You can download its free evaluation version to test the application before buying it. However, in the trial version you can’t get access to all the crosswords. The program has very low system requirements and doesn’t need a lot of space on your hard drive. This application might be interesting for all fans of logical puzzles.